Sunday, October 31, 2010

Am I crazy for understanding racism?

The two sides as I see it:

1. Unilateral Condemnation of any racist words and/or actions
  • because if we tolerate racism, everything we stand for (as romero house) comes into question
  • because our society is so perfect and racism free, and we all live in Canada now
  • because we are secure enough in our identity, social standing, and future we don't need to hide behind racist attitudes
  • because its "wrong"
2. Entering into dialogue and trying to understand it.
  • because I don't come from the same country as either of the people in question
  • because stereotypes are rooted in some form of truth, and then unfairly universally applied - conversely, if someone only steals sometimes, is that the same as only beating you some of the time??
  • because people believe their beliefs are True. That's why they believe them.
  • because I think that "unilateral intolerance of racism" is a cultural value that is learned over time when you are secure in your own place in society.
  • because I don't think I can say "you are wrong" to someone's life experience as they know it to be true. I think I can say "I don't think that's always true". but thats not quite as strong...
  • because everyone's a little bit racist some times. and racism is normal to every society.
  • because racism and oppression drain life from the oppressor as well as the oppressed

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