- RETREATS! retreats are the best, and help everything. I've taken one personal retreat and two intern retreats. essential practice for the rest of my life.
- greater appreciation for the Psalms, and their incredibly poetry. It amazes me a little bit how we can read the same Psalms every month and every so often a line or a few words will pop out at me in a totally new way
- the Canticle of Zechariah (blessed are you God of Israel for you have visited and redeemed your people. and have raised up a horn of salvation in the house of your servant). what its all about. in a nutshell.
- ...appreciation of Jesuits... whoops.
- Mary Jo's steadiness of presence. Her whole-life commitment to Being With people.
4 Things I learned that I do
- even with a good attitude, and awareness that others depend on my attention to detail, I still really don't like dishes
- i'm not good at branching out and meeting total strangers in a new city. i think that I'd like to have multiple friend circles, but I don't actually make the effort to attend awkward things like book clubs or yoga classes at the library...
- communicate well with people with limited to no english. (if they let it happen)... before I thought it was a skill that everyone who worked with refugees had... not so, i have discovered
- i am utterly dependent on the internet for my sense of stability and place in the world. I stay up too late on the internet and then don't function in the mornings.... regularly.
5 bookmarks I depend on:
- New America Media
- my google reader
- Al Jazeera English
- God's Politics blog
other places I want to try to be in the world:
- Thailand/Laos*
- Slovakia/Eastern Europe*
- North Africa
- East Africa
- Amsterdam/anywhere in the Netherlands/Geneva/Brussels**
- Turkey
- Kerala
- Forced Migration Studies department at Wits in South Africa. Also Cape Town**
(**and/or attempt living in)
1 place that I daydream about regularly:
- Fresno
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