Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog of Lists

5 Beautiful Things I will take with me from the Catholic influence here

  1. RETREATS! retreats are the best, and help everything. I've taken one personal retreat and two intern retreats. essential practice for the rest of my life.
  2. greater appreciation for the Psalms, and their incredibly poetry. It amazes me a little bit how we can read the same Psalms every month and every so often a line or a few words will pop out at me in a totally new way
  3. the Canticle of Zechariah (blessed are you God of Israel for you have visited and redeemed your people. and have raised up a horn of salvation in the house of your servant). what its all about. in a nutshell. 
  4. ...appreciation of Jesuits... whoops. 
  5. Mary Jo's steadiness of presence. Her whole-life commitment to Being With people.
4 Things I learned that I do
  1. even with a good attitude, and awareness that others depend on my attention to detail, I still really don't like dishes
  2. i'm not good at branching out and meeting total strangers in a new city. i think that I'd like to have multiple friend circles, but I don't actually make the effort to attend awkward things like book clubs or yoga classes at the library...
  3. communicate well with people with limited to no english. (if they let it happen)... before I thought it was a skill that everyone who worked with refugees had... not so, i have discovered
  4. i am utterly dependent on the internet for my sense of stability and place in the world. I stay up too late on the internet and then don't function in the mornings.... regularly.
5 bookmarks I depend on:
  1. facebook
  2. New America Media 
  3. my google reader
  4. Al Jazeera English
  5. God's Politics blog
other places I want to try to be in the world:
  1. Thailand/Laos*
  2. Slovakia/Eastern Europe*
  3. North Africa
  4. East Africa
  5. Amsterdam/anywhere in the Netherlands/Geneva/Brussels**
  6. Turkey
  7. Kerala
  8. Forced Migration Studies department at Wits in South Africa. Also Cape Town**
 (**and/or attempt living in)

1 place that I daydream about regularly:
  1. Fresno

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