Friday, July 1, 2011

A Short Dictionary of Life Here

babies: a fact of life. over the course of the year, many turn into toddlers, and are replaced by new ones in different families.
communication: highly prized, but rarely fully realized
community: all-encompassing, defines life, yet makes little sense from the outside.
idealistic: a term thrown about with disdain as we balance impossible lives
interns: first overwhelmed confused small beings, then after three months become highly experienced staff members capable of legal advice, housing support, event coordination, public administration, teaching, babysitting, and counseling. Thoroughly appreciate when others cook for them, especially halusky.
left over wine: the best part of being voluntold to work events
meat: a highly prized nutritional supplement, fiercely defended against vegetarian proclamations of thinner staff
ohromerohouse: said with a loving sigh, or amused eyeroll. used on occasions where illogical decisions are made on behalf of bettering or protecting a relationship
ohmaryjo: a frequent saying. also can be followed by a song "mary jOoOoOo mary jo mary jo" closely related to: ohromerohouse
Oscar Romero's Prayer: not actually written by him, but quoted liberally in public and private
patience: the highest virtue we know.
parties: an essential ingredient for encouraging joy and happiness with the residents

prayer: a daily morning occurrence, to varying levels of participation or appreciation.
pregnant/mother: what all female-interns are regularly told they are (or ought to be) by residents, drop-ins, and former residents
sleep: highly prized, especially on weekends past nine am. 
TTC pass: highly prized plastic cards that interns can use in spare time to escape briefly. highly contentious issue if not returned in time. 
volentold: when interns work unplanned weekends or evenings for events that don't involve residents or daily tasks. the modus opperandi for making events happen that have been planned for other people.
Wanda: where to go when you don't have any money left to really get away from it all

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