Sunday, March 6, 2011

The world of Romero is quite all-encompassing. Since deciding to go home to Fresno, I've been off and on elated, but more than anything I've felt at peace. I know that its not for forever, but more than that, I know that I can trust my gut to know where I ought to go next with my life. I don't feel trapped by any form of long-term commitment, other than to promise to myself to continue to get my ass out of the boat when I feel a call to do something crazy.

A baby is being born tomorrow at my house; she will be born to a compassionate family overflowing in grace and calm. They have spent today together. Our house has thin walls, ceilings, floors, and a beautiful staircase that echoes everything said on any floor. Today my friends have laughed a lot, their daughter has sung, their son almost died from laughing in an intense tickling/wrestling match. I was supposed to be there tomorrow, in the OR for my friends caesarian. her husband is afraid that something will go wrong, and they won't remember how to speak English. I want to be there.
I am instead, planning to be getting my ankle x-rayed, because i appear to have badly sprained it, or possibly broken it. If I wake up in the morning, and I can get myself down the stairs, I think I'm just going to go to the ER. The weekend has been spent with various untrained coworkers looking at my ankle and deciding it doesn't look like it merits hours on end in an ER. I have been wavering on the subject, and have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I haven't insisted on anything. The other option is waiting until the walk-in clinic is open at 10:30 (or later? we don't know) and missing the whole thing at the hospital!

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