step 1.5: be gracious towards Whitworth and choose to see the positive sides to why i froze my ass off for four years when I could have been having crazy mindless fun on a beach while still pursuing my activist, passionate future self. (step 1.9, examine that false dichotomy a little more closely to see its inconsistencies. also, don't project someone elses life into your own reality)
Step 2: actually share MY PLAN without distracting myself on a rant
Step 3: Return to Romero House, to complete a full year of beautiful community. continue learning about the system there, and how to live as a holistic calm strong woman-being.
Step 4: Return home (maybe after weasling an invite to Camp Romero, it looks way too fun to miss).
Step 5: Get a part time job coordinating an afterschool program, hopefully with some of the FIRM kids. Otherwise, substitute teach, and stay connected to refugee communities in the Valley. part-time jobs only!!!!
Step 6: Investigate grad schools with all sorts of dedication (just like Bean). Look for programs like UCLA's polisci program Race, Ethnicity and Politics. Anything that looks at identity, migration, and is open to community-based research. Visiting said schools. Asking lots of questions. Finding so many options for myself.
Step 7: Live and love in this state. Pay attention to the local issues, state issues. Network.
Step 8: Apply to at least seven interesting programs. Sit around and wait for their responses in a place that has real fruit and beautiful green winters (despite the rain)
Step 9: Make an informed decision about my own future. Don't limit myself to what I think is feasible or realistic. Take all the damn tests. Pay all the damn application fees. Jump through the stupid hoops.
Step 9: go to some school!
in the meantime. live a blessed life that sees the alternative ultimate reality. see the abundance of goodness and grace.
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