Saturday, December 6, 2008

I am going to South Africa

really soon.
I'm slowly realizing how many people won't be here when I come back in September. Internationals and Seniors alike.
I'm slowly realizing that life will go on without me while I'm gone. A lot of things can happen in nine months. A lot of relationships could change substantially. I don't know who is going to make the effort to stay in touch. I don't know who is going to be a tangible support, or who just says they will now.
I'm slowly realizing that I'm gonna learn so much more than I thought. And its going to be so freaking amazing and different than anything else I've ever done. But I've adjusted to culture shock at Whitworth, and the little culture lessons I've learned from life in Fresno, and I feel like I can learn to live there too. and its gonna be great. one step at a time, and this is my step to take.
This is where I need to be.
This is where I'm going.